Automatic Integration of Hybrid Java-Prolog Entities with LogicObjects

Sergio Castro 1 , Kim Mens 1 and Paulo Moura 2


Logic languages excel for problems that can be defined declaratively, e.g. applications that require symbolic computation such as expert and planning systems 1 2. However, it is often difficult to develop complete applications that require e.g. GUIs, heavy numerical computations, or low-level operating system and network access 3 4. On the other hand, object-oriented languages have demonstrated their usefulness for modelling a wide range of concepts (e.g., GUIs) found in many business scenarios 5. The availability of continuously growing software ecosystems around widely used modern object-oriented languages, including advanced IDEs and rich sets of libraries, has significantly contributed to their success.

Non-trivial applications can profit from implementing their components, or even distinct routines of the same entity, in the language that is most appropriate for expressing them 3 6 7. However, the integration of programs or routines written in different languages is not trivial when such languages belong to different paradigms 8 9 10.

Although numerous approaches allow to integrate Java and Prolog programs, few of them put an emphasis on the transparency and automation of the integration concern at the entity level. In this article, we describe an approach based on the notion of automatic inter-language conversions that does tackle this problem.

Preparing the Ground: Inter-Language Conversions with JPC

The core of our approach is built on top of an extensible and fine-grained mechanism for mapping artefacts between the Prolog and Java worlds: the JPC (Java-Prolog Connectivity) library. Conversely to other Java-Prolog integration libraries, JPC leaves open the mapping between concrete Prolog terms and Java objects.

JPC's design has been inspired by a well-known library for accomplishing context-dependent conversions between Java and JSON artefacts: Google's Gson library. The goal of Gson is to provide an intuitive, minimalistic interface for facilitating the specification and execution of Java-JSON bidirectional conversions. As part of our design philosophy we extrapolate several design goals of Gson to our domain (i.e., Java-Prolog conversions), amongst others:

In the rest of this section we overview how JPC accomplishes some of these goals.

Conversion Contexts

A conversion context is a scoped bidirectional conversion strategy reified by means of the Jpc class. Being encapsulated into an entity, multiple conversion contexts can be employed in the same program, facilitating the co-existence of different mappings when required. New conversion contexts can be easily created by means of a context builder. The instantiation of a default conversion context (i.e., a context including only pre-defined conversions) is shown in the code snippet below:

JpcBuilder builder = JpcBuilder.create(); // a default conversion context builder
Jpc jpc =; // a default conversion context

Pre-Defined Conversions

Once a conversion context has been instantiated, it can be employed to convert between Java and Prolog artefacts. By default, a conversion context can accomplish common conversions (e.g., conversions between primitives) without further configuration. Some of these pre-defined conversions are shown below:

Jpc jpc = JpcBuilder.create().build(); // a default conversion context

//Java to Prolog
jpc.toTerm(true);                  // ==> new Atom("true")
jpc.toTerm("1");                   // ==> new Atom("1")
jpc.toTerm(1);                     // ==> new IntegerTerm(1)
jpc.toTerm(1D);                    // ==> new FloatTerm(1)

//Prolog to Java
jpc.fromTerm(new Atom("true"));    // ==> true
jpc.fromTerm(new Atom("1"));       // ==> "1"
jpc.fromTerm(new IntegerTerm(1));  // ==> 1L
jpc.fromTerm(new FloatTerm(1));    // ==> 1D

Type-Guided Conversions

A conversion operation can also be parameterised with the expected result type of a conversion. Some examples of type-guided conversions are shown in the following code snippet:

Term listTerm = listTerm(new Atom("1"), new Atom("2")); //Prolog list -> ['1', '2']
String[] array = jpc.fromTerm(listTerm, String[].class); //array of strings
List<?> list = jpc.fromTerm(listTerm, List.class); //list of strings
Type type = new TypeToken<List<Integer>>(){}.getType(); //reification of the List<Integer> type
list = jpc.fromTerm(listTerm, type); //list of integers

Depending on the target conversion type, the Prolog atoms list ['1', '2'] (line 1) is converted into a a string array (line 2), a list of strings (line 3) or a list of integers (line 5).

Custom Conversions

A conversion context can be extended with custom converters. Such a converter is just a class implementing the FromTermConverter and/or ToTermConverter interfaces. When registered into a conversion context, a converter adds to the pre-defined conversions a new mapping of artefacts. As an example, consider a converter that knows how to convert a Prolog compound term to an instance of the Person class:

public class PersonConverter implements FromTermConverter<Compound, Person> {

	@Override public Person fromTerm(Compound term, Type type, Jpc context) {
		String personName = ((Atom)term.arg(1)).getName();
		return new Person(personName);

The following code snippet illustrates how a custom conversion context extended with the PersonConverter can be employed to facilitate the interpretation of a query result as a Java object with a minimum amount of code:

JpcBuilder builder = JpcBuilder.create().register(new PersonConverter(), 
                                                  new Functor("person"), 1).asTerm()); //person(_)
Jpc jpc =; //custom conversion context
//the term bound to P is automatically converted to an instance of the Person class
Person person = engine.query("cool_person(P)", jpc).<Person>selectObject("P").oneSolutionOrThrow(); 

Note that at the moment of registering the converter, it is associated with the compound term person(_) (line 2). Therefore, the converter is applicable only to terms subsumed by such a compound.

Automatic Integration of Hybrid Entities with LogicObjects

The low-level inter-language conversion framework provided by JPC is a convenient building block for facilitating the implementation of more advanced integration libraries. LogicObjects is a high-level integration framework for Java and Prolog built on top of JPC. It allows to define hybrid entities with partial implementations in Java and Prolog. Although to a certain extent LogicObjects is compatible with plain Prolog, to get the best out of it, it is recommended to install on the Prolog side Logtalk, an object-oriented layer for Prolog.

Figure 1 shows the definition of a Person entity. This entity has a dual nature. In the Java world, it takes the form of an instance of the Person class. In the Prolog world, it is reified as the Logtalk parametric object person/1. In this example, the implementation is scattered over the two worlds (the method experience() is defined in Java and the predicate salary/1 in Prolog). However, it is also possible to create entities that are completely defined either in Java or Prolog, but still transparently accessible from the foreign language.

The Person entity.
Fig 1. - A dual representation of the Person entity.

In the rest of this section we review the automatic integration mechanisms provided by LogicObjects from both language perspectives.

Integration from the Java Perspective

The following code snippet shows the Java side of the implementation of the Person entity. Abstract methods correspond to routines implemented in Prolog/Logtalk.

 @LObject(name="person", args={"name"})
 abstract class Person {
 	private final String name;
 	public Person(String name) { = name;}

 	@LMethod(args = {"LSolution"})
 	public abstract int salary();
 	public int experience() {


The @LObject annotation on line 1 provides mapping information to LogicObjects. The name attribute indicates that an instance of the Person class is reified as a compound with name person. The args attribute signals that the argument of such a compound is the term representation of the instance variable name.

The @LMethod annotation on line 7 provides mapping information regarding a specific routine. In this case, the salary() Java method is mapped to a predicate having the same name. As arguments, it will have the unbound logic variable LSolution. Therefore, an invocation of the salary() method on a person with name "mary" will be interpreted as querying the Prolog goal:

where person(mary) corresponds to the conversion to a term of the receiver of the message (an instance of Person); salary(LSolution) is the conversion to a predicate of the method salary() and :: is the Logtalk message sending operator.

LogicObjects provides several heuristics for determining the return value in Java of a routine implemented on the Prolog side. One of them consists in inspecting the names of the unbound logic variables. In case it encounters an occurrence of a variable named LSolution (line 7), it will consider as the return value of the method the conversion to a Java object of the term bound to that variable. Also note that by default a query is interpreted as deterministic. Hence, only its first solution is considered. However, this can be customised by means of another Java annotation (e.g., to compose all the solutions in a container object such as an instance of java.util.List).

In addition to the @LObject and @LMethod annotations illustrated in the Person class, other useful annotations are:

We have left, however, a detailed explanation of these annotations outside the scope of this short article.

An instance of a class with a partial implementation in Prolog can be obtained by means of the static method newLogicObject, as shown in the following code snippet:

import static org.logicobjects.newLogicObject;

Person person = newLogicObject(Person.class, "mary");
System.out.println("Salary: " + person.salary()); //automatic delegation to Prolog

The first argument is the class to instantiate. Remaining arguments correspond to the class constructor arguments.

Integration from the Prolog Perspective

The logic counterpart of the Person class is the Logtalk parametric object person/1 defined as in the following code snippet:

:- object(person(_Name) imports jobject).

	:- public(salary/1).
	salary(S) :- ...

:- end_object.

Any Logtalk object importing the jobject category will delegate automatically to the Java side any message that it does not understand. For example, a Logtalk method call person(mary)::experience will be interpreted in Java as:

new Person("mary").experience()
where new Person("mary") corresponds to the conversion to a Java object of the term person(mary) and the method experience() the looked-up method when receiving a message with the same name on the logic side.

Java methods returning values impose a defiance to the transparency of our approach. While returning values is a natural concept in Java, it does not exist in Prolog. Therefore, an important problem to solve is how a programmer can specify that a Java method return value is required on the Prolog side. We provide three different alternative mechanisms for this. They are illustrated by means of the following equivalent message calls on the person(mary) Logtalk object:

  person(mary)::experience(return(ReturnSpecifier)). %return value specified as an argument of the method.
  jobject(person(mary), ReturnSpecifier)::experience. %return value specified as an argument of the jobject/2 Logtalk object.
  person(mary)::experience return ReturnSpecifier. %return value specified by means of the return operator.

On line 1, the return value is part of the message term. Arguments matching return(_) are ignored since they correspond not to a Java method parameter, but to the Java method return value. On line 2, the return value is an argument of the auxiliary Logtalk object jobject/2, which has as first argument the receiver of the message, and the second argument corresponds to the return value. This alternative has the advantage that the message term does not require to be polluted with a return value. As the last alternative on line 3, the return value is captured by means of the return operator. This has the advantage that the return value is not present as an argument neither of the receiver nor the message. None of these approaches is perfect, since they make explicit the foreign concept of a returned value on the Prolog side. We believe, however, that providing several alternatives alleviate this problem to a certain extent.

Finally, note that the object returned from a Java method can be reified as a term in many different ways (e.g., a term containing the object serialisation data, or a simple numeric identifier pointing to a Java reference, etc). Therefore, an integration approach should not impose a single reification strategy. We provide a solution to this problem by means of introducing the notion of return specifiers.

By employing return specifiers, a programmer can provide a term describing the meaning of an object returned from the Java world. For example, if we invoke the Java method experience() from the Prolog side, we should write term(R) as the return specifier, which means that the object returned from the Java method should be converted into a term according to the default JPC conversion context. This is illustrated by the following example:

Several possible ways of interpreting a return value are possible by means of choosing distinct return specifiers. The following list describes some of them:

We have left outside the scope of this article a complete description of all the possible return specifiers.


LogicObjects enables a fine-grained, (semi-)automatic integration (i.e., at the entity level) of routines written in Java and Prolog. It is an example of the advanced integration frameworks that can be built on top of the notion of inter-language conversions implemented by the JPC library.

There are other powerful JPC and LogicObjects features in addition to the ones described here. Those include a comprehensive set of heuristics for interpreting the solution to a Prolog query as a Java object, autoloading of Prolog artefacts, and the automatic propagation and handling of inter-language exceptions. A description of these and other advanced features can be found in the JPC and LogicObjects documentation.

JPC and LogicObjects are currently compatible with SWI, YAP and XSB Prolog by means of drivers developed on top of the JPL, PDT Connector and InterProlog libraries. We envision the development of native drivers and support for other Prolog engines in the short term.

We hope that both JPC and LogicObjects will be useful to the Prolog and Java community. In this spirit, we are releasing our work as open-source software.


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