JPC Installation Guide



    This guide overviews how to install JPC, its drivers, compatible Prolog engines and examples.

    Although this document covers the installation of all the distinct artefacts that may be required in an application using JPC, typically only a small subset of them are needed (e.g., only one Prolog engine and one JPC driver).


    To develop with JPC you require:

    JPC has been tested in:

    At the moment, no tests have been accomplished under Windows, although it should also work there without major issues.

    Before Starting

    JPC currently uses Maven as its project management tool. Therefore, the easiest way to include JPC in a project, its drivers, other dependency libraries and examples is by means of Maven. Maven download and installation instructions are provided in its website.

    Although JPC is still in alpha version, it is already available in the Maven Central repository. However, some JPC related components (experimental drivers or extensions) may only be available in the Maven Snapshots repository. To access components in the Snapshots repository, you may need to add the following to your Maven configuration file ~/.m2/settings.xml:


    Installing a Prolog Engine

    This section gives pointers to the installation instructions of JPC compatible Prolog engines. There are many ways to install those engines. In certain cases, the best installation procedure for JPC is not the most obvious installation. Hence, this section often includes some example installation steps that ensure compatibility with our library.

    Installing SWI Prolog

    JPC is compatible with the latest SWI stable release (version 6.x at the time of writing). Installation instructions for multiple platforms are provided by the SWI website.

    SWI Prolog in Mac OS X

    The SWI version used to test JPC was installed using Mac Ports. SWI provides detailed instructions about how to accomplish a Mac Ports installation.

    SWI Prolog in Linux

    To generate the required Java interoperability library, SWI Prolog should be compiled from sources in Linux. The SWI site provides information about the required packages needed before starting the installation and how to download the sources. Afterwards, build and install both the SWI core and the tools according to the provided instructions. Note that for a 32-bits OS you may need to run the configuration script with --enable-shared.

    Installing YAP Prolog

    JPC is compatible with the latest YAP development version (version 6.3.3 at the time of writing). Installation instructions for multiple platforms are provided by the YAP website.

    YAP Prolog in Mac OS X and Linux

    Follow the instructions provided by the YAP website, taking care of adding the --with-java option when running the configuration script. For example, the following command (executed in the ARCH folder as described in the YAP manual) compiles and install YAP generating the required Java interoperability library:

    ../configure --prefix=/opt/local --with-java --enable-threads --enable-pthread-locking --enable-depth-limit --enable-coroutining --enable-clpbn-bp=no --enable-tabling --with-gmp=/opt/local && make && sudo make install

    You may change these options as you wish, but remember to leave the --with-java option enabled. Also, you may need to add --enable-shared for 32-bits OS.

    Installing XSB Prolog

    JPC is compatible with the latest XSB development version. Installation instructions for multiple platforms are provided by the XSB website.

    XSB Prolog in Mac OS X and Linux

    To compile and install XSB go to the build directory in the source tree and execute the following command:

    ./configure -prefix=$SHARED_LIB && ./makexsb && sudo ./makexsb dynmodule && sudo ./makexsb install

    Where $SHARED_LIB is the directory where you want to install XSB. For example: /opt/local/lib/. Note that you may need sudo depending on the chosen installation location.

    Installing Logtalk

    Although JPC requires just a plain Prolog engine, many optional advanced features rely on Logtalk. Logtalk is an object-oriented logic programming language implemented using Prolog as a backend compiler. The Logtalk website provides detailed installation instructions together with many other resources.

    Adding JPC to a Project

    In order to include JPC into a project, add the following dependency to your POM:


    Note that including the JPC library may be enough for development, but for executing your application you still need one or more JPC drivers.

    Configuring JPC Drivers

    All the current JPC drivers are open source. For convenience, both installation instructions for Maven users and Uber-Jars containing each driver with its dependences are provided.

    The JPL Based Driver

    Driver Architecture

    The JPL based driver is implemented on top of the JPL library. This driver is compatible with either SWI or YAP Prolog. Since JPL is based on JNI, it is composed of both a Java part and a native C part. You need to tell JPC (so it can tell in turn to JPL) where is located the C part. Depending on the platform, the native part may be a library with a name similar to libjpl.dylib (OSX), libjpl.jnilib (Linux) or libjpl.dll (Windows) in your SWI or YAP installation.

    Maven users

    Add this dependency to your POM:


    Download the Driver Uber-Jar

    Installation Instructions

    To enable this driver follow these steps:

    The OS specific instructions below are only relevant in Prolog to Java applications.

    OSX Installation Instructions

    Locate the directory where the JVM library libjvm is located and add it to the DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable. The path should be similar to $JAVA_HOME/Contents/Home/jre/lib. If you prefer to not modify such environment variable, alternatively you may use the otool utility. To do that, follow these steps:

    Linux Installation Instructions

    Locate the directory where the JVM library libjvm is located. The path should be similar to $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/amd64/server (assuming a 64 bits installation). In several Linux distributions you will have to add that path to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable. That is not correct for Ubuntu. For Ubuntu, you can create a swipl.conf file in the /etc/ directory. In that file, write the path to the directory containing the JVM library. Do not forget to execute ldconfig afterwards.

    Driver Features

    With this driver, only one Prolog session can be opened per JVM in Java to Prolog applications.

    The InterProlog Based Driver

    Driver Architecture

    The InterProlog based driver is implemented on top of the InterProlog library. This driver is compatible with XSB Prolog.

    Installation Instructions

    In order to include this driver in your project follow these steps:

    Driver Features

    This driver supports multiple Prolog sessions.

    The PDT Connector Based Driver

    Driver Architecture

    The PDT Connector based driver is implemented on top of the PDT Connector library. This driver is compatible with SWI Prolog.

    Installation Instructions

    In order to include this driver in your project follow these steps:

    Note that configuring the last environment variable is optional in most cases. If no provided, JPC will not pass any path to PDT (the underlying library of this driver) and the latter will attempt to find the SWI location.

    Driver Features

    This driver supports multiple Prolog sessions.

    Installing the JPC Examples

    You can download some usage examples of JPC adding the following dependency to your POM:
